
Recognize Diversity

Advantages Disadvantages
Direct Manipulation  - visually presents task concepts 
- allows easy learning 
- allows errors to be avoided 
- encourages exploration 
- affords high subjective satisfaction
- requires a graphics display
and a pointing device
Menu Selection - shortens learning 
- reduces keystrokes 
- structures decision making 
- allows easy support of error handling
- presents danger of many menus 
- may slow frequent users 
- consumes screen space 
Form Filling - simplifies data entry 
- requires modest training 
- gives convenient assistance 
- consumes screen space
Command Language - is flexible 
- appeals to 'power' users 
- has poor error handling 
- requires substantial training and memorization
Natural Language - relieves burden of learning syntax
- google smart home? Problems?
 -requires clarification dialogue 
- is unpredictable

Direct manipulation - originally interacting with a computer was direct manipulation at a low level - moving wires, flipping switches. Direct manipulation returned in a big way in the 80s (after a lot of basic research was done in the 60s and 70s) at a higher user level which could involve using a light pen to touch a location on the screen (70s), moving a mouse to move a pointer on a screen and clicking the mouse button to make selections (80s) to more modern alternatives where the user uses a stylus or their finger to more directly manipulate the interface itself (2000s).
Definition: A human-computer interaction style which involves continuous representation of objects of interest, and rapid, reversible, incremental actions and feedback


Menu selection is ubiquitous on computer interfaces today

Form fillin is also ubiquitous on the web, making it easy for people who need your data to get it in a form that they can easily process.

Command language:
      - git clone
      - git add -A
      - git commit -m "Update syllabus"
      - git push
      - has poor error handling
      - requires substantial training and memorization

Natural language is commonly used today when getting information via the phone on movie times or airline flights or the weather, etc.
Siri, HoloLens, Google Glass etc. help smart phone users, and tools like Alexa have moved that into the home and car.
Voice can be very successful in areas of limited/focused vocabulary.
      - Voice commands can also be hard to learn and remember.
      - More general natural language recognition is harder.
      - Talking to your cell phone solves part of the problem of noisy rooms.

Golden rules of interface design

Example for these princibles for Google Schrome: We are going to enforce these princibles/rules in the projects

Getting the User's Attention

Fundamental units of visual communication:

Retinal variables:


Two types of retinal variables:


Scale of measurement for each variable:

Color wheel

Color brewer is a good resource for color selection:

Bar charts:

This is the bar charts of the population of the USA over the last 8 years. The left chart shows how 3D hurts the visualization. The right chart is a less fancy but much more effective in 2D.

Overly 3D chart of US
        population More readable 2D chart
        of US population

Pay attentions to the y-axis on the following charts of the same data.

Vertical scale
        suggesting slow growth   Vertical
        scale suggesting rapid growth

Here is an example how visualization lies: from Time Magazine (4/9/79) via Tufte. Please avoid this.

Oil Prices Represented as Barrels

Pie charts:

These examples are charts from a recent version of Excel. 3D distorts the view making it more difficult (less accurate as well) to read the visualization.

A 2D version is much better. Picking up the right colors is also helpful: we could use colors to relate consoles. For example, Playstation 2 and Playstation 3 are both in (darker and lighter) blue.

Here is another bad example from Fox news:

A good site for more bad examples

Things that Make us Smart by Donald Norman,
Information Anxiety by Saul Wurman,
The Visual Display of Quantitative Information by Edward Tufte,
Designing the User Interface 3rd Ed. by Ben Schneiderman,
The Psychology of Human-Computer Interaction by Stuart Card and friends
Human-Computer Interaction 2nd Ed by Alan Dix and friends
User Interface Design by Andrew Johnson
8 Golden Rules for Better Interface Design by Ana Santos