
ScagnosticsJS API Reference

There are 2D, 3D, and nD versions of the ScagnosticsJS library correspondingly.

The paper: ScagnosticsJS: Visual Features for the Web
@inproceedings {s.20201022, booktitle = {Eurographics 2020 - Short Papers}, editor = {Wilkie, Alexander and Banterle, Francesco}, title = {ScagnosticsJS: Extended Scatterplot Visual Features for the Web}, author = {Pham, Vung and Dang, Tommy}, year = {2020}, publisher = {The Eurographics Association}, ISSN = {1017-4656}, ISBN = {978-3-03868-101-4}, DOI = {10.2312/egs.20201022} }
The presentation at The Eurographics 2020 conference:
conference presentation

Scagnostics playgrounds (online demos)

You can use these playground pages to explore the underlying scagnostics calculation processes and the visualizations of their intermediate results. They contain exemplar scatterplots for each of the 9 scagnostics (outlying, skewed, clumpy, sparse, striated, convex, skinny, stringy, and monotonic) features for you to explore:




Scagnostics measures and the exemplar plots they target

Figure 1: Scagnostics measures and exemplar plots that they target for 2D (a), 3D (b), and nD (c).

2D Version



You can download scagnostics.js from here


You can add scagnostics.js to your web page using this code snippet:

<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>

Creating new scagnostics object

You will need to pass an array of 2D scatter plot points as [[x1, y1], [x2, y2], [x3, y3], [x4, y4],...[xn, yn]]. If you would like to pass some data (say ids of the points) then you may pass them as data attribute of the point. This data field will then be passed into the result after normalization or binning, so you could use this to get back the original point.

You may use default scagnostics options or you can optionally pass an options object with one or combination of the following fields

Sample code without options (default options)

    //Create an array of random 2D points
    let points = [];
    for (let i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
        let x = i* (3*Math.PI/100);
        let y = Math.sin(x);
        points.push([x+Math.random()/100, y+Math.random()/100]);
    //Create scagnostics object
    let scag = new scagnostics(points); 

Sample code with options

    //Create an array of 2D random points
    let points = [];
    for (let i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
        let x = i* (3*Math.PI/100);
        let y = Math.sin(x);
        points.push([x+Math.random()/100, y+Math.random()/100]);
    //Set the scagnostics options
    const options = {
        binType: 'leader',
        startBinGridSize: 20,
        isNormalized: false,
        isBinned: false,
        outlyingUpperBound: undefined,
        minBins: 50,
        maxBins: 250
    let scag = new scagnostics(points, options); 

Normalized points

Outlying score

3D Version



You can download scagnostics3d.js from here


You can add scagnostics3d.js to your web page using this code snippet:

<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>

Creating new scagnostics3d object

You will need to pass an array of 3D scatter plot points as [[x1, y1, z1], [x2, y2, z2], [x3, y3, z3], [x4, y4, z4],...[xn, yn, zn]]. If you would like to pass some data (say ids of the points) then you may pass them as data attribute of the point. This data field will then be passed into the result after normalization or binning, so you could use this to get back the original point.

You may use default scagnostics options or you can optionally pass an options object with one or combination of the following fields

Sample code without options (default options)

    //Create an array of random 3D points
    let noise = ()=> Math.random()/10;
        let points = [];
        for (let x = 0; x < 150; x++) {
            points.push([x + noise(), Math.sin(x * Math.PI / 20) + noise(), Math.cos(x * Math.PI / 20) + noise()])
    //Create scagnostics object
    let scag = new scagnostics3d(points); 

Sample code with options

    //Create an array of random 3D points
    let noise = ()=> Math.random()/10;
        let points = [];
        for (let x = 0; x < 150; x++) {
            points.push([x + noise(), Math.sin(x * Math.PI / 20) + noise(), Math.cos(x * Math.PI / 20) + noise()])
    //Set the scagnostics options
    const options = {
        binType: 'leader',
        startBinGridSize: 20,
        isNormalized: false,
        isBinned: false,
        outlyingUpperBound: undefined,
        minBins: 30,
        maxBins: 200
    let scag = new scagnostics3d(points, options); 

Normalized points

Outlying score

nD Version



You can download scagnosticsnd.js from here


You can add scagnosticsnd.js to your web page using this code snippet:

<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>

Creating new scagnosticsnd object

You will need to pass an array of nD scatter plot points as [[x1, y1, z1, ...], [x2, y2, z2, ...], [x3, y3, z3, ...], [x4, y4, z4, ...], ... [xn, yn, zn, ...]]. If you would like to pass some data (say ids of the points) then you may pass them as data attribute of the point. This data field will then be passed into the result after normalization or binning, so you could use this to get back the original point.

You may use default scagnostics options or you can optionally pass an options object with one or combination of the following fields

Sample code without options (default options)

    /***********RANDOM DATA*******************/
    let random = Math.random,
        points = [];
    //100 data points
    for (let i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
        //each point of 10 dimensions
        let point = [];
        for (let j = 0; j < 10; j++) {
    //Create scagnostics object
    let scag = new scagnosticsnd(points); 

Sample code with options

    /***********RANDOM DATA*******************/
    let random = Math.random,
        points = [];
    //100 data points
    for (let i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
        //each point of 10 dimensions
        let point = [];
        for (let j = 0; j < 10; j++) {
    //Create options
    let options = {
        startBinGridSize: 30,
        minBins: 30,
        maxBins: 100,
        outlyingCoefficient: 0.5,
        incrementA: 1,
        incrementB: 5,
        decrementA: 0.9,
        decrementB: 0,
        distanceWeights: [0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0.5]
    let scag = new scagnosticsnd(points, options); 

Normalized points